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​AsHFA Officers 2022-2023
President: John Allen (2022-2023)
Past-President: Carlos Salicrup Díaz de León (2022-2023)
President-Elect: Keith Ruskin (2022-2023)
Secretary: Rowena Christiansen (2022-2025)
Membership Officer: Estrella Forster (2022-2025)
Treasurer: Brian Musselman (2022-2025)
Member-at-Large: Kevin Gildea (2020-2023)
Member-at-Large: Harriet Lester (2021-2024)
Member-at-Large: Anna Wojedka (2022-2025
Representative to AsMA Council: Tom Nesthus (2021-2024)
Representative to AsMA Nominations: Jaime Harvey (2022-2025)
Student Representative: Elizabeth Combs (2022-2024)
Publicity Committee: Diego García (2022-2025)
AsHFA Fellows Officer: Barry Shender (2021-2024)
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